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Krumma Jonsdottir

HEROIC – Reach The Success You Deserve Without Loosing Your Mind & Your Health

Kim Guillory

The Top Method For Winning In Wellness

Sam Onigbanjo

AI: The Power Of Generative Imagery, Start, Grow And Profit

Maya Zack

Rise & Shine – The Ultimate Mindset Program For Business Success

Inconsistent following your strategy? Comparing yourself to others? Avoiding social media or making yourself visible? Overwhelmed or struggling to focus? Uncomfortable around sales or money conversations? Keep second guessing your decisions or path?

Using the Sedona Method™ & hypnosis, this life-changing 90-day program will allow you to take control of your business and transform the way you take action. You will:

• Remove subconscious fears & doubts preventing your flow.
• Get rid of past baggage stealing your shine.
• Dissolve psychological patterns in conflict with your goals.
• Reset your thinking & beliefs to keep you on fire!

By the end of the program you will:

• Experience levels of confidence, self-worth & freedom you've never felt before.
• Follow through with strategy with focus, curiosity & clarity.
• Be able to take control of your thinking & feeling at any given moment so that you are the boss.
• Be taking bold, adventurous actions for your business – the kind that make dreams happen!
• Have powerful, simple mindset tools FOR LIFE to achieve any goals you might have with surprising ease and less effort.

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