In this interview, holistic healing facilitator Mona Vogel discusses her transformative approach to Quantum Light Healing, how it can shift every aspect of life, and why overcoming resistance is key to personal growth.
Mona Vogel, CEO, Facilitator of Light Healing
Hi Mona, it's so great to have you here. You specialise in holistic and intuitive healing. Can you share with us how you work with people?
It's a pleasure to be here! I’m excited to delve into the work I do with individuals and groups. As a facilitator of intuitive holistic healing, I primarily use a method called Quantum Light Healing, which I often refer to as energy healing for simplicity. My holistic approach addresses all aspects of a person—body, emotions, mind, soul, and energy.
We start by identifying physical tensions, which serve as clues to deeper imbalances within the client's system. From there, I explore the connected emotions and trace them back to their origins, often rooted in childhood or even past lives, depending on how open the client is. Once we identify the root cause, we work on healing it, shifting related belief systems, processing stuck emotions, and creating openness in the body. Simultaneously, we work on a soul level, changing the client's overall frequency, allowing them to step into a “new” version of themselves, ready to attract new opportunities. This is where the quantum aspect comes into play by altering the past, we transform present and future possibilities.
That sounds fascinating. How did you come to this line of work?
My journey began in 2011 during my first Panchakarma treatment in India, and a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse that lasted three weeks. The experience was transformative, and it marked the beginning of my yoga practice. Over time, I incorporated meditation, coaching, and eventually, plant medicine into my practice, with Ayahuasca playing a pivotal role in my healing journey.
This immersion into the mystical world felt like coming home after years of searching for something I couldn’t quite name. The methodology for my work actually came to me during a ceremony, unfolding naturally. From the start, I had a deep desire to help others as I had been helped, and I quickly realised that the more I healed myself, the more my external world shifted. This understanding that our inner world reflects our outer reality has been a driving force in my work ever since.
What have been the biggest shifts in your life since you started this journey in 2011?
It's challenging to pinpoint just one area because my entire life has transformed. The most significant change has been in my relationship with myself. I moved from a place of self-criticism and destruction to one of love and acceptance. This shift had a ripple effect, improving all my relationships, including those with my parents and my romantic partner. My physical health has improved, and emotionally, I feel more stable and mature. My mindset has also undergone a dramatic shift from pessimism to seeing the good in everything and embracing life with love and enthusiasm.
Can Quantum Light Healing be applied to different areas of life?
Absolutely! There are virtually no limits to what we can address with Quantum Light Healing. Whether it's healing past trauma or connecting with future possibilities, like expanding your capacity for financial abundance, this modality is incredibly versatile. What I love most about it is how quickly it works. It’s effective, gentle, yet deeply transformative. As someone who used to be very impatient, I appreciate that I don’t need years of therapy to see results. I want to live my life fully now, and this method supports that desire.
I offer this modality to individuals and groups in the form of workshops, and I also teach facilitators to work with Quantum Light Healing through the School of Light.
Interesting, so you have your own school? Could you share more about it?
Sure, the School of Light is a space for people to transform their lives completely. It has the purpose and vision to bring you to the next level of consciousness. Wherever you are currently in life, by joining the school, you will reach your next level in all areas as we remove the blockages that are holding you back from living the life you truly desire.
The School is designed in three levels. The first level is open to anyone who wants to expand in life. The second level is for those who desire to become facilitators themselves, where they learn to share the healing modality and how to hold safe space. The third level is an in-depth mystery study for the facilitators, which is conducted in person, unlike the first two levels which are online.
This is truly my life’s work, which came to me many years ago and has been evolving ever since. I love to ignite the light in others and remind them of their infinite potential and possibilities.
If everything is possible, why do you think some people struggle to change?
That’s a great question. The first step towards change is willingness and openness. You can’t help someone who isn’t ready to change. Often, people express a desire to change, but when it comes time to commit, resistance surfaces. This can manifest as doubts, fears, or excuses often driven by the ego, which fears change and clings to the status quo. The ego is powerful and can even create physical symptoms to justify why it’s not the right time for a session. But to grow, old parts of us need to die, and that process can be uncomfortable. The more you become comfortable with discomfort, the easier change becomes. It’s like training a muscle.
What do you recommend to people who are experiencing this resistance?
I like to educate my clients about the process, explaining that it’s normal to feel resistance. I share my own experiences and encourage them to connect deeply with their heart when making decisions. The mind can come up with endless excuses, but the heart always knows the truth. Often, this helps them move past the resistance.
Thank you so much for sharing, Mona. Where can people find your work?
For individuals, my Instagram @monavogel is a great place to start, or you can visit my website at For those interested in becoming facilitators in holistic healing, I offer a training program called The School of Light, which is also available through my website.
Ready to experience a transformative shift in your life? Connect with Mona Vogel on Instagram or visit her website to learn more about her healing sessions and facilitator training programs. Step into the new version of yourself today!
Read more from Mona Vogel