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Remembrance Of Who You Are In Essence, Is Your Game Changer

Yvette is a high-level transformation coach and guides people into awakening in their true Essence. With programs like The Awakening Experience, Master Healer level 1, 2 & 3 and 1- to -1 coaching.

Executive Contributor Yvette Jaminon

When you open and activate new levels of consciousness, you will create space for your true Essence to flow freely through your human experience here on earth. You will awaken in the remembrance of who you are and will be able to embody your essence on this earth. From here you can create from your Essence.

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Embodying this remembrance in your human experience means that you have to go beyond all attachments tied to ego structures that shape your identifications – Who you believe you are. Open yourself for expanding your mind and heart to the perspective beyond, the perspective from your Essence, where you know who you are. Do you already feel the difference in energy in this sentence? The knowingness holds the frequency of love, force, and potency.

As you expand your mind and heart, shifting from your limited human perspective to the limitless perspective of your Essence —pure love, infinite consciousness—your life gets a richer meaning. You begin to experience your life through the lens of the whole, which is a higher and broader perspective, of love and abundance. Rather than experiencing life purely through your limited human experience, which is attached to ego structures, limiting beliefs, and programs connected to fear and lack.

Remembering who you truly are in Essence, is your game changer. You will expand into new levels of love, freedom, inner peace, joy, and abundance. It makes life pure, playful and adventurous, full of magic.

Knowing that your human existence is an expression of your Essence, materialized. Knowing that your true being is pure love, infinite consciousness, manifest in form. As you integrate this awareness more into your daily physical reality, you start experiencing life from a different level. The level where you consciously start choosing your own beliefs and identifications, without getting attached. Because you know who you are. This is how you start to create your amazing reality.

Awakening to new levels of consciousness enables you to embody your humanity, and your physicality even more deeply, but from that broader, higher, and richer perspective.

I invite you to close your eyes for a moment, and ask yourself, what if I chose to embody this knowing? The knowing of who I am. How would I feel? What will my life look like from now on? What conscious choices would I make from this higher perspective? 

I guide people in the remembrance of who they are in Essence.

In programs like The Awakening Experience, I open and activate this remembrance. While peeling off identification layers that are ‘blocking’ the embodiment of your essence on one hand, to activating and letting you feel your essence on the other hand. I will not tell you anything new, on an unconscious level you already know everything – You already are everything. Most of us just forgot. 

But what if you truly remembered it again, embodied it, feeling it deep within your cells. Imagine how beautiful life would be. 

Follow me on Instagram or visit my website for more info!


Yvette Jaminon, Transformation Coach

Yvette is a high-level transformation coach who guides people in their personal and spiritual development. Remembering again who you are in Essence, beyond layers of identity, beyond attachments. So that you can live to your highest potential. Yvette's soul signature in this world is to awaken and rise the consciousness of humanity.



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