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Keep Searching For The Upside

Written by: Dr. Margaret Potter, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


During the past 18-months we’ve been hit with the impact of COVID-19 across the globe. Sadly, the effects are ongoing and each one of us continues to be touched in some way. It may be an internal struggle with our own mental or physical health; dealing with the limitations placed on our usual lifestyle; supporting our friends and loved ones to cope with insecure employment, ill-health, separation and loss.

The enormity of the situations being faced by everyday people continues to challenge us and it is easy to see why we can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Pre-COVID-19 most of us were in the habit of striving for bigger, better and more. Success being measured by quantity rather than quality. Perhaps we were overly absorbed in our work, rather than in our lives outside of work, but one of the more helpful things during this pandemic has been the opportunity to slow down and take stock - to pay attention to, and fully appreciate what is truly important to us.

One way to do this with your clients, friends and family is to encourage them to identify what activities bring them joy with little or no effort. It may simply be seeing a smile on their child’s face; a big hug from their partner; an excited dog waiting at home to greet them; spending time in the garden or sitting at a favourite spot watching the world go by. These are simple things that have a positive impact on one’s health and well-being. It is true to say that before COVID-19 we may have partaken in such activities, but all too often we tended to take the little things for granted.

While we cannot control all that is happening in the world around us, we can certainly take charge of how we focus our attention and filter information to amplify or diminish events. So, whenever you are experiencing difficulties, rather than dwelling on the negative seek to fully embrace all that is good in your life. Instead of concentrating on what is missing, make a list of what you have. Actively take control of those things you can, while letting go of those things you cannot. More often than not, what is most central to our happiness and fulfillment are little gems that lift our spirits and help us to shine. So, identify and protect your treasure – those activities and people that will sustain you in good and bad times and regardless of the obstacles you may face in life always keep searching for the upside!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Dr. Margaret Potter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Margaret Potter is a highly respected educational leader and an internationally certified performance coach with more than 20-years of experience. She is Director of the TELL Centre, which provides short courses to support health professionals with their teaching, supervision and assessment activities. As a consequence of her PhD research on the patient-practitioner interaction in healthcare, Margaret is a sought-after speaker and expert on various topics associated with optimising communication. Her motto: Keep learning – keep growing!

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