Written by: Motti Wein, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
A story is told of a wanna-be farmer who begged & cajoled, on a daily basis, an experienced farmer to show him the trade. Acquiescing, the experienced farmer began digging the earth with his spade.
“What are you doing to the earth?” screamed the trainee in shock.
“Please don’t ask any questions and you shall see,” answered the farmer.
Next the farmer put some seeds into the ground and watered them.
“Why are you ruining the seeds with water?” screamed the trainee in shock.
“Please don’t ask any questions and you shall see,” answered the farmer.
Next, when the wheat stalks grew, the farmer chopped them down, removed the wheat kernels and ground them up into flour.
“Why are you destroying the beautiful plants?” screamed the trainee in shock.
“Please don’t ask any questions and you shall see,” answered the farmer.
Next, the farmer kneaded the flour into dough and put it in the oven.
Again the trainee screamed in shock and again the farmer answered the same.
Upon completion of the baking, when the trainee smelled the fresh delicious aroma of the bread, did he finally understand each step of the process.
Many individuals fresh out of college have idealistic dreams. They want to accomplish a certain task and feel they are ready to do so. Many times they are. Most of the time they are not.
Experience teaches more than the classroom can ever teach.
Experience comes with success and failures which cannot be learned from a textbook.
Experience comes with learning how to work with others which cannot be learned from a textbook.
Experience comes with witnessing, with one’s own eyes, the pleasure they can cause someone else which cannot be learned from a textbook.
Experience comes with witnessing, with one’s own eyes, the pain they can cause someone else which cannot be learned from a textbook.
Experience comes with dealing with problems with cannot be learned from a textbook.
Owning your own business is definitely worth it.
Not necessarily, however, straight out of college.
Work for another.
Get experience.
Then open a small business using your amassed experience and watch it, with G-d’s help, take off.
Motti Wein, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Founded in 2015 by Motti Wein, we don't view honesty as the best policy; rather, we view it as the foundation for all policies. Let us use our cumulative decades of experience in overcoming adversary, leadership, trust, real estate, customer service, business acumen, family values, and our good name to help you manage and grow your NJ real estate investment portfolio. We may be reached at 732-415-8446 or emailed at WeinRealtyLLC@gmail.com. Wein Holdings, Wein Consulting, Wein Management, and Wein Lending are Wein Realty, LLC divisions. Please note we are a proud member of "Mem Dalet" - an initiative to encourage traditional Jewish workplace values in an ever-increasing nationwide culture of harassment & assault against women and general hostility towards religion. For more information, please contact us. Regarding Mr. Wein's work in kosher supervision, please email Wein.ChaimM@gmail.com or MWein@JewishHomeFreehold.org.