Aden Eyob is a leader in mindset. She is the clinical neuroscientist and author, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living. She is the founder and CEO of Mind Medication, a fusion of neuroscience-psychology and spirituality-based mindset consulting and speaker service that helps you uncover your why unlock potential and free limiting beliefs to achieve the impossible. Her clients include CEOs, entrepreneurs, and celebrities—her mission: a world free from limiting beliefs.

Who is Aden?
I am the clinical neuroscientist and author, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living. I am also the founder and CEO of Mind Medication, a fusion of neuroscience-psychology and spirituality-based mindset consulting, coaching, and speaker service that helps you uncover your why, unlock potential, and free limiting beliefs to achieve the impossible.
I currently live in Los Angeles but operate my business from both London and Los Angeles. Before this, I was in London, the UK, where I spent ten years working with Fortune 500 companies within research, healthcare, and pharmaceutical sectors and undertaking my masters in Clinical Neuroscience from University College London (UCL).
In my leisure time, I love traveling and expanding my mind through cultural immersion. I have visited over 34 countries, 15 U.S. states and have been fortunate to have lived in 4 countries, U.K., U.S.A., Ethiopia, and South Africa. My hobbies are somewhat varied, from hiking, sailing, arts, crafts, and reading on business, mindset, spirituality, and memoirs.
How did you get to where you are in your career?
It was what I would call Divine Intervention. Before becoming an entrepreneur, I spent a great deal of time working for Gilead Sciences and Kite Pharma as a Clinical Trial Management professional within their oncology department. Before that, I was in healthcare market research, advertising, and working in academic research. These were great experiences, but I felt that I wasn’t living out my real soul purpose.
From the age of 6, I had big dreams. Dreams to be my boss. Dreams of building my mental health center. Dreams to free my family from poverty. However, all I heard was No. Everyone told me it was impossible, but I held a flicker of hope. I then had an epiphany to find my way to my why.
My why was to shed light and love on your unheard voice, dream, and aspiration. This, in turn, led me to establish Mind Medication, a neuroscience-psychology and spirituality-based mindset consulting, coaching, and speaker service.
So now I’ve decided to dedicate my life to helping you uncover your why, unlock potential, and free limiting beliefs to achieve the impossible.
Tell me about your new book, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living?
My inspiration for writing the book, The Book on Mind Training: The Secret for Positive Living, available on Amazon, is threefold. Initially, it was to heal all the trauma and baggage that I had carried. All the limiting beliefs that I had and used that as a platform to turn limitations into possibility. And secondly, it was really to provide you with the spiritual and mental playbook on overcoming limitations. Third, to empower you to see, feel, and think bigger and use your voice to activate change. Ultimately, you are responsible for your outcome, and by reading this book, you not only learn about my story but practical ways in which you can take charge of your life and take control of your mind. Remember your thoughts + emotions = behavior. So, you are in control of your thoughts and, therefore, in control of your emotions and your behavior.
What is it that you do for your clients?
I help creative leaders achieve a calm mindset. As a mindset consultant, coach, and certified NLP practitioner, I facilitate the change work through my bespoke framework, The C.A.L.M. Mindset System©, by helping you get into the driver’s seat of your mind, put the clarity gears in motion to achieve a calm mindset. In doing so, you experience increased creativity, confidence, productivity, and results.
Who should hire/work with you?
My clients are creative leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and celebrities who have hit a mental fork in the road in pursuing their divine purpose.
I also work with Fortune 500 Companies, providing consultancy, workshops, and speaker services on achievement psychology, strategy, motivation, and holistic mental health education.
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
My big goal is to achieve my vision of creating a world free of limiting beliefs.
In 10 years, I see myself owning several successful business ventures, including Mind Medication, which will have global offices in the U.K., U.S.A., Ethiopia, and telehealth services throughout the world. My philanthropic mental health center will be operating in Ethiopia and East African countries, with plans to expand into more developing countries so that holistic mental health, mobility, and access will be available to all.
What are the top 3 tips for having a calm mindset?
1. Gratitude – when you give thanks, you elevate your vibration and frequency to receive your desires. A simple thank you is the key to living well.
2. Power Habits – creating powerful morning and night-time routines will make what I call a ‘calm sandwich’ in which you will have the buffers in place to manage busy schedules and commitments without sacrificing your self-care and wellbeing needs.
3. Meditate – a simple 10 to 15 minutes of binaural beats mediation can alleviate any feelings of anxiety or stress. Binaural Beats is a form of sound wave therapy, listened to through headphones, in which two different tones at different frequencies are heard in each ear, but the brain processes a beat at the difference of the frequency. There are various forms of binaural beats that can aid in anxiety and stress management, along with increased concentration and motivation, to name a few. Binaural beats are generally safe for most individuals, but caution is advised to people who suffer from seizures, increasing the likelihood of an episode due to brain wave change.