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Finding Your True Path – Exclusive Interview With Shauneen Quinn

Hello, Beautiful souls, It’s so lovely to connect with you here, in this time and space, wherever you are on this beautiful planet. 


First, let me share something about me; I was supposed to be a boy :) My parents were all set to call me Shaun, but as we can see, my soul had another plan for me, and thus my name had to have a slight adjustment. I’m the mother of two amazing young adults who continue to amaze me and light up my heart daily! I’m an avid reader of everything to do with energy and magic! I love learning and incorporating what I am discovering into my work. It's important to me to always keep that door open, forever willing to be the cosmic student! 


Image photo of Shauneen Quinn

Shauneen Quinn, Spiritual Transformation Coach & Healer

What inspired you to create Find A New Way, and how did your journey begin?

I created Find A New Way and decided on this name for my business, as this was my experience. I had to find a new way to operate in the world as a former member of a religious cult, where anything that is not possible to perceive with the five senses was deemed to be from a dark and evil force. To then go on to have a series of life-changing spiritual experiences where I was left in no doubt of our true nature. We are expansive, energetic beings in fabulous physical astronaut suits! I found a way to navigate this complete 180° turn in my belief system and my life. It took me a while to integrate and fully accept the gifts I’d been given. I finally understood my sensitivity and my empathic abilities; I came to understand why I had been given these gifts. It felt like my destiny to become a facilitator of change; It’s my passion and my privilege to help other people unlock their birthright to this sacred remembrance. To understand and learn to wield the power they have within themselves to create lasting and positive change. 


How does your approach differ from other personal development or coaching platforms?

I created The Starlight Method because I felt when facilitating energy healing and clearing with my clients, there was an element of passivity; they just needed to sit back in silence, and something magical would transform within them as a result of working with me. After my awakening and truly seeing my light, I wanted to show everyone they had this power, this knowledge, that they are not merely powerless human beings but celestial beings with the power to take responsibility for their healing and their own transformations. One of the first things I do with anyone I work with is give them a visceral, physical experience of their energy. It is such a joy and a privilege to watch this sacred remembrance unfold as they experience a forgotten part of themselves. I wanted to change the landscape of spiritual transformation work to reach a wider audience by turning it into a grounded and practical experience. I am from a finance background, so although I work in the spiritual realms, I am also very left-brained! I was intuitively guided to develop my own method, a unique & potent fusion of grounded cognitive awareness techniques, hypnotherapy & multi-dimensional healing modalities. By accessing all parts of our being (mind, body, and soul) to address areas of our lives that need healing, rapid and profound transformation is the natural result. 


Can you share a success story from one of your clients that deeply resonates with you?

I’ve had so many, but I will share one of my first success stories with you. I received an email from someone I’d never met; she had been referred to me by a previous client. She gave me extensive details on how her niece had been bedridden for over a year with no energy, mobility issues, symptoms of depression, and, in general, no interest in engaging with life. I will never forget the words she used: “I know you are the person to heal her.” Wow! I thought no pressure. At this point in my healing career, I hadn’t worked with such complex issues. However, I knew the healing modalities I had been trained in were powerful, so I tuned into my intuition and decided to accept the challenge my soul had presented. I met with her niece, who was in another time zone from me. I began working with her remotely and addressing the underlying cause of the issues she was having. Within just a few short months, She was thriving; she had more energy, the pain in her body was gone, and she was able to return to a full life; she returned to work & started socialising with friends & family again. I simply reminded her of her own sovereignty to heal, coupled with some intuitively guided personalised techniques & healing sessions. The result came about naturally. She was able to claim her life back in a completely new way and find her joy. I guess you could say She found a new way :)

What advice would you give to someone feeling stuck and seeking a new direction in life?


When we feel stuck in our lives and unhappy with where we are, this is actually a good sign. It’s our energetic compass telling us we have gotten a bit off-track from where we want to be. The first thing to do is acknowledge how you are feeling and accept where you are. That may sound counterintuitive. However, when we give something our energy, it expands. We’ve all had the experience of focusing so much on a problem we can’t see the solution. When we take our focus (our energy) away from the problem and do something else, often an idea that leads to the solution will pop into our heads. It’s the same when we feel stuck: acceptance neutralises the “stuck” energy.I have a simple method I use on my clients and myself. I call it the Triangle of possibility:

First, take a moment to breathe & ground yourself into the present moment, e.g., focus on how your body feels and feel your feet contacting the floor. Then honestly answer the next three questions:

  1. What thoughts am I thinking?

  2. How is this making me feel? (how is my energy affected by this thought) 

  3. How are these feelings affecting my behaviour/ my actions?

Once you have your answers, reverse engineer the triangle with an objective in mind: in this case, a desire to feel better, to feel motivated or inspired. 


  1. What actions would I like to be taking to meet this objective?

  2. What feelings would I need to have to want to take these actions? (how would my energy need to change)

  3. What thoughts would I need to be thinking to create this energy?

This is a simple yet powerful process when approached in a calm and grounded state of being. By taking our energy away from the problem and focusing all of our energy towards the desired result, we shift our nervous system, we engage the creative, problem-solving part of our brain, and we create a shift in our energetic field. 

As a therapist, I must mention that while the Triangle of Possibility can be a powerful tool for navigating everyday challenges, it's important to seek professional help for persistent feelings of unhappiness or if you're struggling to cope on your own.


If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?


I think overall, the industry of health and wellbeing is a very caring space. When it comes to spirituality and energy work, there can be an element of toxic positivity. When I was first getting into this space, I was so focused on keeping my energy high that I was afraid to have a single negative emotion for fear of the energetic ripple effect. It’s so important to acknowledge and address how we are feeling, to give all our feelings the space to be aired and let them out. Stuffing our emotions down is a slippery slope that can lead to depression and illness. By addressing and allowing ourselves to feel our emotions, we give them space to release. When we release the sadness, the anger, the frustration (whatever we are feeling), we are allowing ourselves to create from a clearer, more grounded emotional space. In short, we need to feel to heal. 

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.


There have been so many pivotal moments in my life, but I would have to say it was my first awakening experience that ultimately led me onto this path of healing and transformation. I had just woken up from a power nap when I suddenly became aware of a significant drop in temperature in the room, and the energy had shifted to an imperceptible state of stillness. As my eyes began to focus clearly, I witnessed a mass of white light in the far corner of the room. I will always remember that moment; my heart was pounding, and I had no idea what was happening. I was barely able to breathe as I followed this mass of light through the corner of my eye. It was moving towards me, and as it did so, it was changing in size, coming closer to where I was sitting until it just stopped right beside me. At that moment, I decided to face it. As I turned toward it, it moved at the speed of light and jumped straight into my body. My whole being was vibrating from head to toe as I received this energy. I remember silently asking, “What was that?” and immediately, I perceived the words “your spirit.” I would not be able to facilitate the depths of awareness I take my clients to had it not been for this experience and the beautiful experiences I was blessed with thereafter.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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