Karen Oliver is well-known for coaching and educating individuals. She has been advocating for women since 2016 and now men also. Karen works with college students also to help them pivot in the new world. She was Est in 2020. Karen's mission is to commit, activate, and manifest the purpose in you.
If I can be honest, I usually talk to others and hear, “I don’t need change” or “I don’t think I need personal growth.” We, as human beings, are afraid of growth and change. In reality, we need personal development, growth, and identity. Personal development is developing one’s intelligence, enhancing integrity character, and building human character.
Personal growth is maturing in your daily life and your building of characteristics. Maturing is growing wiser in everyday culture and your lifestyle. Growth is a process that feels uncomfortable at times or all the time. What you need to know about personal growth is that you are the growth. Growth takes time and is a priceless principle in our lives. It becomes more responsible, reliable, determined, and focused. It makes you realize that you are dedicated to what matters in your life and your dreams are unimaginable.
Personal identity is who you are and how you identify yourself. Identity crisis is something we all bump heads with in life. Some don’t understand or are still searching to find out the purpose. Yes, I said “purpose” is our calling in life, such as our gifts, talents, and being in everything we do. Purpose defines who you are created to be and everything within you that exists. Purpose is a lifelong journey that ignites your dreams and visions in this world.
In other words, I am saying personal development goes a long way and takes work. Yes, we need personal development personally, spiritually, and professionally. If you are growing which can be in different seasons in your life, you need to keep growing. Personal development should never stop in life or within our surroundings. As a business woman, woman of faith, and woman of many hats I should never diminish my character in developing and you shouldn’t either.
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Karen Oliver, CEO of WCD Coaching Inc. & Entrepreneur
Karen Oliver is a professional podcaster, coach, educator, and entrepreneur. Karen decided to land the coaching field in transformation and in healing. She experienced traumas in life with her own healing so she decided to get into health coaching as well as life-purpose coaching. She has been in healthcare since 2009 and still works at a hospital. Karen made mistakes in life to help her pivot her situations to help ones find their own divine purpose. She also has a online ministry @officialkarenoliver on all social media platforms. She is the CEO of WCD Coaching Inc., NKB Cosmetics, and Fearless Daughters Dream Apparel LLC.