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Ambassador Of A Solution To Anxiety

My Name is Sabine Simbi, I an health entrepreneur, and 7 years ago, I had an anxiety attack. Following my anxiety attack, I decided to create a complete solution, called A platform dedicated to anxiety, which includes a chatbot that will guide people to information solutions, connection to professionals and a mental health marketplace.

Executive Contributor Sabine Simbi

Who better than someone who has suffered from anxiety to act as an ambassador for a solution and open the door for others seeking a way out? That’s the challenge Sabine Simbi, the founder of the project, has taken on.

a small hands holding a butterfly

In mental health, the best way to find a solution is to listen to yourself, summon the courage to seek help, and draw strength from within. To do this, you must become your own best friend, your own best ally. Look ahead, believe in yourself, and, above all, get help. But is there a platform that offers hope, providing concrete solutions for every stage of your mental state, like a best friend would?

This is the mission of to offer those suffering from anxiety an AI guide to practical, local solutions, a pathway, a glimmer of hope, and proof that there is life after illness. It’s a soft, real light at the end of the tunnel. also aims to organize workshops in psychiatric hospitals focused on well-being professions. These workshops are designed to help individuals, whether experiencing short or long-term hospital stays, prepare for social reintegration after their recovery.

The platform aspires to be the product of collaboration between patients and professionals. No single person can have a 360° perspective on the complexity of mental illness, and that’s why everyone’s opinion matters. Your feedback can help improve the platform and ensure it offers solutions tailored to individual needs.

To achieve this, we need your input. Please take a moment to answer a few questions, helping us refine the platform to meet your immediate needs as accurately and promptly as possible.

Here is a 10-question form about the prototype of our platform: Help us improve

We need your support to make our "Embassy" the safest and most accessible solution for you. Click the link and explore how you can contribute to making a difference.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, or head over to my website.

Read more from Sabine Simbi


Sabine Simbi, Health Entrepreneur

My Name is Sabine Simbi, I an health entrepreneur, and 7 years ago, I had an anxiety attack.

Following my anxiety attack, I decided to create a complete solution, called

A platform dedicated to anxiety, which includes a chatbot that will guide people to information solutions, connection to professionals and a mental health marketplace.

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