Written by: Gill Moakes, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

One of the many things I LOVE about being a business coach is that I get this birds-eye view of what works and what doesn’t over a spectrum of industries.
When it comes to my own industry, coaching, I’ve noticed there are 7 things that all super successful coaches have in common. Regardless of whether they’re a business coach, a life coach, a health coach, or any other of the myriad of new coaching niches that have recently been born into this busy arena, these 7 things are what determine whether you become a wealthy, fulfilled, ‘in demand’ coach or stay one of 70%+ of coaches who make less than $1,000 per month from their coaching.

1. They’re outstanding at what they do
This is a complete and utter non-negotiable. If you want to grow a profitable, wildly successful coaching business, YOU MUST BE A GREAT COACH.
Sounds obvious, right? But here's the thing, I see way too many coaches focussing on their marketing strategies, building a beautiful website, mapping out intricate sales funnels, obsessing over their social media following, etc BEFORE they've truly mastered the art of coaching. Before they've demonstrated their ability to get great results for their clients.
I ONLY work with coaches who have already invested in developing their coaching skills. Those who have honed their craft and are unwavering in their confidence when it comes to offering transformational coaching. In a crowded coaching marketplace, that's the ONLY thing that can REALLY set you apart from the crowd. If you know you get great results for your clients, then there's no limit to where you can take your business.
2. They understand their Ideal clients inside out and back to front
Wildly successful coaches don't just work with anyone. They are crystal clear around WHO they get the most transformational results for, and they focus on attracting those clients. They accept that taking that stance means they'll repel some people and they're 100% OK with that. They say ‘no’ to people who aren't their ideal clients steadfast in their commitment to only working with those perfect clients for whom they get the most transformational results.
Most importantly they know how to help them.
3. They keep to a simple business model
Making smart decisions around creating the RIGHT products & services for the RIGHT clients at the RIGHT prices, is how you become one of the few coaches who actually leave the start-up phase and creates a HIGHLY PROFITABLE and SUSTAINABLE business.
Wildly successful coaches don't over-complicate this. They know that keeping to just a couple of core offers that they have tailored for their perfect clients is CRUCIAL. They are crystal clear about their client's goals; her hopes and dreams; what her perfect life/business would look like. They know what keeps her awake at night; her problems; her insecurities; her fears. So now they can create the coaching experience that’s right for her. That might be via intimate 1:1 coaching; a group program; a mastermind; a retreat; or an in-person event
They understand WHAT their clients want & need, and HOW best to deliver that to them.
4. They know their worth and charge accordingly
Wildly successful coaches make a stand for the 'AND'. They are purpose-driven and want to make an impact on the lives of those they serve AND they desire financial abundance. They don't see those things as mutually exclusive They know their worth and are comfortable charging MORE than the 'industry average'. They know that the results they bring about for their clients justify a premium price, and they understand the wide-reaching implications of undercharging.
Undercharging doesn't just affect their bank balance it has many negative implications in terms of the perceived value of what they do and how their clients show up, and therefore, of course, the results those clients get. At the same time, they're occasionally happy to discount or coach for free when they feel philanthropically drawn to do so. The point is, that they need no external validation around what they charge. Every successful coach I've worked with (including myself) has invested in working on their money mindset. Left unchecked, a poor money mindset will keep you playing small forever.
5. They strip back their marketing
So often, I see coaches who have consumed SO MUCH conflicting marketing advice online that they're now sitting in analysis paralysis with no clue as to whose advice to follow and whose to ditch. The most successful coaches get tired of trying to implement every single strategy out there. They are intentional about stripping back their marketing and they make a conscious decision to start generating prospects 'their way'. They know that word-of-mouth referrals are the platinum standard when it comes to enrolling new clients and they know how to make it easy for people to refer to them.
Outside of referrals (if they need to look outside some coaches build a wildly successful practice by word of mouth alone), they choose strategies that feel right for them and are focused wholly on relationship building. If they enjoy social media, they pick one or two platforms to focus on and work on becoming the go-to person for their followers. They don't give a stuff about the number of followers they have, all they care about is demonstrating their expertise and building rapport with their potential future clients. They create valuable, original content that focuses on connection and leverages their incredibly in-depth understanding of their ideal clients to build an email list full of ideal prospective clients. Their messaging is pitch-perfect, and they effortlessly nurture the prospects on their list throughout their journey to becoming paying clients.
6. They understand that selling IS service
Successful coaches know that to consistently enroll their ideal clients, they simply need to give them a taste of how it feels to work with them. They ignore the 'don't give away the farm' noise. Instead, they understand the importance of a generous, abundant mindset when it comes to creating clients. For their higher ticket 1:1 packages/group programs etc., they offer their prospective clients a free breakthrough session. Not a discovery call. A coaching experience.
They craft a carefully worded application to ensure they are only getting on calls with those prospective clients they KNOW they can help. They detach themselves from the outcome of the session and focus entirely on delivering so much value that the prospect's only question at the end of the call is how soon they can start working with them. By the end of the call, the client is in no doubt that they've finally found the coach who can help them.
7. They find the right mentor
Wildly successful coaches continue to invest in themselves to take their business to the next level. They seek mentorship from someone who's walked the walk. Someone who's already attained success in the field in which THEY want to be successful.
It's so important to find a mentor you trust. A mentor who can illuminate your path with the light of their own achievements. You have to see it to be it. BUT smart business owners also question everything they're told.
Is this how I want to do it?
Does this feel good to ME?
Is this aligned with MY values?
Just like your clients will KNOW when they've found in you the right coach for them, YOU'LL knows when you've found the mentor who can guide you into the unknown and bring your wildest vision to life.
Remember, when you’re brave enough to do things your way and you’re outstanding at what you do, you deserve a life of infinite possibilities.
If you’re ready to do BIG things, apply for a Breakthrough Session with me: gillmoakes.com/apply

Gill Moakes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Gill is a UK-based business coach and growth consultant who works with freedom seekers and entrepreneurs on-the-grow, to create and sell high ticket offers. She helps ambitious coaches, consultants and creatives discover and design a new reality and life & business lived on their own terms. Delivering the map, the motivation, and the mindset to dream and achieve bigger than you ever thought possible, Gill believes that when you’re brave enough to do things your way and you’re outstanding at what you do, you deserve a life of infinite possibilities.