Written by: Melissa Marie Lopez, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that works by moving and cleansing the life force energy (Reiki or Prana) in the etheric body; the etheric body serves as the energy system for the physical body. This is one reason why we can utilize Reiki to help overcome not only mental, emotional, or spiritual ailments, but also physical ailments. The etheric body is comprised of 3 major components: nadis, chakras, and aura. The nadis are the channels through which this life force energy or prana flows; mutually feeding and being fed by the seven major chakras and thousands of minor chakras. Think of chakras as energy centers that promote harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Finally, your aura represents the subtle energy field that extends around you. When the flow of energy in your etheric body is blocked or otherwise becomes stagnant, it can lead to a range of symptoms; so, it's important to know what to look for.
In today's busy world, it is not uncommon for self-care practices to fall by the wayside as we aim to keep up with life's daily demands. However, it's important that you tune into the signs that you may be out of alignment and therefore would benefit from a Reiki Healing Session.

Here are 5 Telltale Signs You Need a Reiki Healing Session
You Feel Overwhelmed or Exhausted ALL of the Time It's normal to feel tired at times but it is also important to recognize when you have crossed over into exhaustion; especially if it's constant or affecting your ability to sleep well. Sleep is critical to healing and restoration of mind, body, and spirit so protecting yourself from, and cleansing away, outside negativity is important. Negative energy is everywhere we go and sometimes there are also people in our lives that act as "emotional or energetic vampires". Attuning with your higher self can help you analyze the true source of overwhelm and exhaustion so you can more easily address the root cause.
1. You Have Unexplained Physical Pain
Energetic blockages often settle in the weakest parts of your physical body or may even settle in the area of a related chakra. For example, if you have an old sports injury to your knee and you are worried about taking the next step in your business, you may find that your knee begins to hurt unexpectedly. Or, if you are unable to express your true thoughts and feelings, your throat chakra may become inflamed or irritated; attempting to draw your attention to those things left unsaid. Pay attention to the signs provided by your physical body, there is often more going on than appears at the surface.
2. You Feel Imbalanced, Unable to Focus, or Anxious
Our mentally, physical, or emotional bodies maintain a close and interconnected relationship with our etheric bodies; requiring balance and clarity for us to perform optimally. If you are feeling imbalanced, unable to focus, experiencing mental fog, or just feeling anxious overall; this could be a sign that it's time to rebalance and cleanse your energy with a Reiki healing session.
3. You Are Experiencing a Major Life Change
Good, bad, or indifferent, major life changes such as weddings, divorces, job changes, pregnancy, new relationships, and more wreak havoc on our systems. Don't underestimate the impact that situations like this may have on you. Prioritize self-care, acknowledge your emotions, be patient, and give yourself enough time to move through them fully; Reiki can help with this.
4. You Are Struggling to Trust Your Intuition or to Make Decisions
When our energy flow is blocked, we may find ourselves questioning that "gut feeling" or struggling to make decisions. Our connection to our higher selves and source are key components of wellness that must not be ignored. Do not allow these feelings to settle for long; rather take the steps necessary to reclaim your power. If this is how you are feeling, be sure you inform your Reiki practitioner who may choose to perform some focus work on your solar plexus chakra.
After a Reiki Healing Session
It is not uncommon to have emotional and/or energetic detoxification symptoms after a Reiki healing session; this is a normal part of the process so take some time to rest if necessary. Drink lots of water to help speed the process. Consider a sea salt or Epsom salt bath with essential oils such as lavender. If you feel the need for an emotional release, put yourself in a safe place, let it come, and let it go. Get some rest and let the Reiki energy continue to work in you over the next 24-48 hours.
Although Reiki is both a safe and powerful healing tool, if you are experiencing prolonged physical pain or mental issues, it's always best to consult your doctor.

Melissa Marie Lopez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Melissa Marie Lopez is a community-based birth worker who guides women and pregnant people to access the full scope of reproductive healthcare they may need in a lifetime.
Melissa also holds space for doulas across New Mexico to build relationships with one another, advocate for culturally competent and trauma-informed care, and build sustainable lifeways for themselves and their communities.
Before founding Las Cruces Doula, Melissa worked for many years as a project leader and prime contract administrator for the government. After which, her personal health journey led her to create new opportunities for allopathic medicine and complementary and alternative therapies to work side-by-side through her business, Reclaim Wellness. During this time, Melissa simultaneously established herself in the community as a respected energy healer, hypnotist, doula, and childbirth educator. Pivoting during COVID, Melissa transformed her business and relaunched in January 2021 as Las Cruces Doula. By October 2021, Melissa became the first Executive Director of the New Mexico Doula Association, a grassroots community-based doula organization by and for doulas. Today, Melissa leads statewide efforts to improve maternal and child health disparities, address reproductive justice issues, and bring awareness to the art and science of midwifery.